The Bait Anthology

The Bait Anthology

This the first book that Dean, has compiled is now available to order. It has already sold in 14 countries indicating that many anglers are interested in the bait they use, and how to make it. 

At 33'000 words, and illustrated in colour, it will be a great source of technical information, that will prove to be a valuable tool to all anglers even those that don't make their bait. The information will hopefully help anglers to choose the bait they buy more wisely.

This, the first offering, is just the start of things to come. It details some of his modest angling achievements and the stories behind some of the baits. There is much more in the pipeline, should this be well received.

Post is available to Europe and the USA/Canada. Please select the relevant shipping option at checkout. All UK orders simply select 'Books UK Only'. We hope you enjoy what he is sharing with you for now.


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